May we continue to surprise each other: A Ferguson reader

I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few weeks reading and thinking about what’s been going down in Ferguson. I still don’t have a great deal of original commentary of my own to add, but here’s a selection of some of the best sources and analysis I’ve found:

As far as I can tell, the main fundraiser for the legal costs of people arrested during the uprising requires a US address before you can donate to it, but if you buy one of these posters from Corina Dross the money goes directly to the Ferguson legal fund. You can donate directly to Mike Brown’s family here.

The News of Opposition page on the Dialectical Delinquents site has a comprehensive round-up of news coverage of the situation, along with original analysis and a few eyewitness accounts not available elsewhere. (EDIT: The DD coverage has now been collected here as Ferguson: Fighting Fear With Fire).

The best on-the-ground coverage of Ferguson has come from the Anti-State St Louis folk; An Eye For An Eye Makes Our Masters Blind, Let Us Not Become Police, Let Us Not Become Sheep and Ferguson Over One Week In are all pretty much essential reading.

CrimethInc’s The Making of “Outside Agitators” and “What They Mean When They Say Peace” are both well worth a read. Other US anarchist commentary on the subject has included this piece from Exiled Arizona, and this solidarity statement from Black Rose Anarchist Federation folks.

One of the first defences of the riots to circulate widely was “Hey, Step Back With the Riot-Shaming” from Mask Magazine. The best pieces of more indepth analysis I’ve seen have come from Unity & Struggle and ULTRA.
Finally, many of these pieces are available in printable form, along with posters and a huge list of suggestions for further reading about the history of anti-police struggles, from Ferguson and Further. Print, read, and share widely

About nothingiseverlost

"The impulse to fight against work and management is immediately collective. As we fight against the conditions of our own lives, we see that other people are doing the same. To get anywhere we have to fight side by side. We begin to break down the divisions between us and prejudices, hierarchies, and nationalisms begin to be undermined. As we build trust and solidarity, we grow more daring and combative. More becomes possible. We get more organized, more confident, more disruptive and more powerful."
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1 Response to May we continue to surprise each other: A Ferguson reader

  1. Just saw the shoutout here, thanks. That Ultra piece truly does rock

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